Saturday 14 November 2009

Analysis of Noah and the Whale - 2 bodies and 1 heart

Analysis of Pop promo: Artist and Song - Noah and the Whale - 2 bodies and 1 heart,

This is manly set outside in a park and also in a gym and they were wearing clothing like they are working out so gym clothes and then they use props that are trophies.

During this pop promos the director uses long shots to show what different locations that the band are in, then they use close ups before they are running to show their expressions before they run and they seem happy that they are about to run, also there is a close up of when the shoes are being tied this is also a cutaway to show that later in this pop promo something is going to happen. They also use a mid shot of when the band put their hand of their heart to try emphasis the lyrics more.

Again, in this pop promo just like all the other prop promos that Noah and the Whale have made they have used titles to show the different people in this pop promo, this way I think that audiences even if they do not know who Noah and the Whale it invites them in to try and become a fan of the band.

There are only two relationships I can see between the lyrics and the visuals which are when the chorus the band have their hand over their hearts and then with the shoelaces are tied together it shoes that between the two shoes the shoelaces are the one heart.

The only relationship between the music and the visuals is at the end when the band moves their arms in time with the music, and they even stop their arms when the song stops as well.

I cannot see any use of intertextuality in this pop promo of Noah and the Whale.

In this pop promo other is some genre characteristics, this pop promo music is Indie folk which showed in the medium tone of the lighting in the pop promo also the man’s voice sets the tone of the genre.

There is some performance in this pop promo as the band play their guitar again like in most of their other pop promos, also the is a small narrative as it is saying that the band want to win but they want to win at little games like when they were little.

This pop promo does promote the band as the only people in this video are the band which promotes them more than there other music videos.

The intend audience I would say is for young adults because of the genre but it is “Folk” music so I would also say that it could lead to older people (45+) because this is a new generation of “folk” music.

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