Saturday, 17 October 2009

Analysis of a music promotional package

The album I have chosen is Disturbed-Indestructible. As you can see the picture is a monster maybe because of his face you can see that his face is distorted and he looks like the grim reaper because of the hood that he wears. Also there is an explosion in the background of fire and he is on fire like he has just walked out. I think the artist only does this because it goes with the name of the album which is “Indestructible” also it goes with the artist name as it is “Disturbed” and the figure in the album cover looks very disturbed. The font of the alum is the same because the name Disturbed is always the same type font always throughout all of their albums which is obviously their famous typeface. The type face under neither is small and spread out I think the artist did this because they know that people who are likely to buy this are their fans so they know they do not have worry about achieve fans, also another thing is when you look at the picture you maybe think that it is a creature who is indestructible. So they know without a name they probably gain an audience. Also the colours are very dark, the only thing that is light is the fire and even that is shaded fire not florescent for example, also even the type face of the artist is a dull grey.

Here is the magazine advert for this album I think that they have done it a very simple advert of just the band behind some glass that has broken in the middle and under neither just when the album is coming out and what it is called. I think the artist has done this photo because it shows that the band is indestructible and that they can break glass just with their eyes for example. Again they used their brand name type face so their fans no that it is them as you cannot see the photo that well so you don’t know who it is. Yet again when the album comes font is the same as the title of the album so maybe people will recognize it in a store if they have never looked for a Disturbed album. Also the way the font is slightly slanted to make it edgy.

The beginning shows some quotes from very successful emperors for example Julis Ceaser, they are indestructible leaders.

There is some use of M-E-S very different locations such as the jungle, the desert, I think this is a very important location because in the desert it is very hot and it is showing how the man is indestructible. Also they show only locations which you could die in for instance a war field.

The cinematography in this pop promo is mainly just long shots because they have to show different locations, also when it shows the band it is mainly mid shots to show the band playing, also when it is a guitar solo they do a close up of the guitarist playing, this is for the audience because they like to see the different cords he plays, this is good for some audiences because they are learning to play guitar and want to do exactly what he is doing.

There is not much of a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals as the man is mainly saying indestructible a lot of the time and on the screen it is showing different form of being indestructible but different points of view.

There is a relationship between the music and visuals for instance when the guitar solo comes on the visual on the screen is a much slower fighting scene that goes with the music. Also after the solo, when it goes to the war scene it goes precisely on a thump beat and that is when you go to the war scene with mud in slow mo in the air.

To me this is a metal type genre music because of the way it is so dark, and it could be like rock, but sometimes rock uses more low key light. And also normal in rock they do not use lyrics that have to do with being indestructible.

There is sort of a narrative structure, but set in different locations. There is a narrative with the caveman and I think it is that he is trying to get back to his tribe but he runs into other cave men and kills them.

This pop promo promotes the band allot because you see them playing all the time between the clips. Also, at the end the singer becomes indestructible too as he just walks through the explosion. Also, they promote the guitarist with the solo.

There is a use of intertextuality I think, form 10,000bc I have never watched this movie but I know it is about a caveman trying to get back to his tribe and faces obstacles. And they have done the same here; it is again trying to show that he is becoming indestructible by facing the sun as an example.

I think the audience for this would be people aged between 16-25 because it is more of the metal genre; also I think it would be mainly for boys because to me I think that this pop promo is sexist as it is saying only men are indestructible.

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